Understanding the Do's & Don't's of the 3 Pregnancy Trimesters

Pregnancy is generally divided into trimesters, the first, second and third. Each trimester lasts at least 12 weeks and is known to specifically have various activities that could make or mar the pregnancy.

The first trimester is known to be the beginning of pregnancy for a woman. At this stage, the pregnant woman would begin to experience morning sickness, tender breasts, craving, and refusal of certain foods.

What to do during the first trimester:


1. Exercise regularly: The importance of exercise cannot over empathize as they help in providing the required strength and stamina during pregnancy. It would help if you also worked out your pelvic by engaging in Kegel exercises

2. High fruit intake: Fruits should be a regular part of your diet as pregnant women. Fruits with a common form of protein and fiber are preferable alongside vegetables.

3. Eat enough: Although we discourage obesity, there is a need to eat enough food, and 300 calories more than usual is the acceptable standard.

4. Drink lots of water: How else do you tell someone to take enough water than telling them to bring enough water? Therefore, take lots of water.

5. Start antenatal: Begin antenatal as it would help you as your baby continues to grow.

What not to do during the first trimester:

1. Drugs and alcohol: Must be avoided as they harm baby health.

2. Certain types of fish and seafood: Raw or undercooked fish, sharks, swordfish, mackerel, and white snapper fish should be avoided.

3. Strenuous exercise or strength training that could cause an injury to your stomach.

4. Caffeine: Avoiding it would be good, but you could take no more than one cup of coffee or tea per day.

5. Unpasteurized milk or other dairy products. We explore some myths about these issues here.

The second trimester is just after the first trimester and is quite similar. The significant difference is the increased size of the baby in the womb and body parts like breasts, thighs, buttocks. It also comes with dizziness and skin changes.

The only addition to the dos is to take proper care of your dentition as poor dentition contributes to premature labor. All don't's listed in the first trimester are also applicable, and the significant addition is the proper choice of medications. Always contact your doctor before taking any medication.

The third trimester is the last before the birth of the child. It is as critical as all the other trimesters because premature labor is possible if proper attention is not given to the pregnancy.

While taking into consideration all noted in the first and second trimester, the significant additions to the 'do's in this trimester includes

1. Stay active unless you're experiencing swelling or pain and

2. Stay active with walking.

3. Get plenty of rest and sleep.

All the don't's listed in the first and second trimesters are very much required to be practiced here, but we must take note that since the delivery date is near, you should avoid long car trips and airplane flights, if possible and if you must travel, stretch your legs and walk around at least every hour or two.