Carrying another pregnancy and preparing for a baby while still nursing a toddler is common amongst many women. This comes with its peculiar challenges depending on the toddler's adaptability, age, and acceptive nature.
Dr Chinny recently welcomed her newborn while she is still breastfeeding her 20 months old son. So, we decided to share some tips on how women can best manage the situation in the video below.
Click on the video to watch.
In this blog post, we take a careful look at how to manage pregnancy with your toddler. We would be sectioning this topic into two parts:
1. Before the arrival of the newborn baby (during pregnancy) and
2. After the baby's birth (postpartum).
Before the new child's birth, there are certain things you must put in place with your toddler to foster a healthy atmosphere. Peep this article where we discuss the three pregnancy trimesters.
1. Spacing: Although you don't have control over this sometimes, it would be better to plan the space we would want between toddler and newborn.
2. Teach your toddler how to share: Your toddler would no more enjoy the luxury of undivided attention as a newborn would mean sharing of attention. You would have to teach your toddler the act of sharing. Teach them to appreciate and give of the little things around them.
3. Training your toddler: Provide your toddler with a particular routine as you expect a newborn's arrival. Teach them basic things they can do by themselves. Help them grow in love as you desire.
4. Discuss with your toddler: They might not understand, but you must discuss with them. Tell them what the arrival of a new baby would mean; the expansion of the family and the responsibility on them. Make them feel part of the system and not aliens to the whole process.
5. Get your support ready: Your attention with the baby would cost you a lot of time, but you can share the watch with a ready support system. Your support system could be your supportive partner, mother, nanny, or any family member.

After the baby's birth, specific methods could help manage the arrival of a newborn.
1. Help the toddler who has shown love for other babies channel that love to your newborn.
2. During the toddler's first visit to the hospital after the baby's arrival, help them come up with a gift for the newborn. Display happiness when you see them and make the visit about them and not the baby.
3. If they express a negative attitude towards the baby, don't force it but gradually, teach them how to be positive. In subsequent posts, we will provide detailed insights into navigating with your newborn, bathing, cleaning, breastfeeding, and handling your other kids. We will also explore the hormones that often come with delivery and what you might feel.
In subsequent posts, we will provide detailed insights into navigating with your newborn, bathing, cleaning, breastfeeding, and handling your other kids. We will also explore the hormones that often come with delivery and what you might feel.
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