Fail-proof method to

Increase your breastmilk supply

It came as a rude shock to me when I had my first daughter and I couldn’t produce breast milk for the first few days. How? How do I comprehend this as a breastfeeding advocate and a medical doctor? By week 3, my husband was ready to get formula for our daughter. He told me if the milk doesn't come in within 24 hours we’ll have to get formula.

I knew I had to do something, so I began research into how to increase my milk supply within 24 hours.

Right on the postpartum bed, I searched, read and watched a lot of videos on ways I can increase my supply coupled with my medical background. I was able to come up with the saving products that have now helped over 30,000 mothers achieve their breastfeeding goals world wide.

These products I’m happy to introduce to you today.

It could be a shocking discovery, especially for first time moms, that over 80% of nursing moms experience some difficulties with breastfeeding. The majority of it being low breastmilk supply; having issues with meeting up with baby’s demand.

You shouldn’t feel like a failure anymore. I want you to forget all the horror stories you have heard about breastfeeding and the inability to produce milk.

Here is what you need to BREASTFEED WITH EASE.


Look at what other moms have said

The products are made up of galactagogues, vitamins, minerals, fibers, and proteins combined in the right proportion to help boost breastmilk supply in lactating mothers.

These products will help you maintain a healthy postpartum weight, contain the right amount of iron to boost your breast milk supply, fibre and oats to help you lower your stress level, and are rich in protein that helps your baby’s brain development and also boosts your energy faster.

Everything and more in ONE BOX!

The secret to over 30,000 moms' breastfeeding success with over 90% recorded success rate.

The box contains:

  • A dozen of cookies (Four flavour variants)
  • 300g of granola
  • 130g of chocolate drink
  • 100g of smoothie mix
CLICK HERE TO GET YOUR BOX AT 13,500, SAVE 1,000 naira.

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